



Welcome back to all our athletes and coaches and a big welcome to all our new athletes. We hope everyone is well settled in at this stage, enjoying the training and looking forward to the Cross Country (XC) season. Attendance at training has been poor in a couple of groups and we are now removing all athletes who have not returned at this stage, as we have long lists of people waiting for places. We cannot hold places indefinitely!




We will be holding a registration night for all of our new athletes on this coming Tues 27h Sept. Registrations for ‘Little Athletics’ 5-6pm group will be taken at their check-in time. Registrations for the 6-7pm & 7-8.30pm groups will be taken between 6.45- 7.30pm in the room behind Reception. Forms will be available on the night and are also on the website under ‘Training Times & Club Info’ Fee for the remainder of 2016 is €20 for one child or €15 for an additional child. Those already registered for 2016, do not need to register again.






We had our first competition last Friday with a good number of our athletes taking part in the Cross Country (XC) League. Well done to everyone who took part and thanks to all who helped out on the night.






The County XC Championships are coming up fast and will take place on next Sun 2nd Oct in Ashford & the following Sun 9th Oct. in Roundwood. We need as many athletes as possible to take part in these events, so please try to come along. We would really love to have full teams in every age group! (See FB/GAC Website for maps)


The entry forms are now on the website and entries need to be in asap. Entries for the Even Ages (U6/8/10/12/14/16/18/Novice) on Oct. 2nd will close on Thurs. 29th Sept. and for the Uneven Ages (U7/9/11/13/15/17/ Intermediate) on Oct. 9th will close on Thurs. 6th Oct.


Certs for all athletes who complete the course from U7-U10’s. U11’s upwards are Championship events, with medals for the 1st three finishers and the 1st three teams. Events are open to all registered athletes and all athletes may move up one age group (U7 can run U8 etc.) allowing everyone to compete both weeks.


Forest Feast Launch with GAC 2015


Sunday Run


Selection of Relay Teams


Closing dates for entries.