Letter from Ellie re fundraiser!

Hello ,

This is an email informing you about the Fun Sports Day which will be held in Charlesland Sports and Recreation Park on Friday the 16th May (Thats's next Friday).
My name is Ellie Hartnett and I will be hosting this as a Charity Fundraiser  event in aid of my trip to South India this summer. I will be travelling as part of UCD Volunteers Overseas Programme. All proceeds will go directly towards the project. 
While in India I will be working as a student Physiotherapist in the local hospital . Here I will be treating children from the ages of 2 - 17 who are suffering with physical disabilities , such as cerebral palsy. I will also be working closely with the Care and Share  Charity , who are a local charity involved in teaching, recreation, aid and construction work in the local orphanage. As part of my role with this organisation I will be teaching in the Kindergarden there and will be obliged to carry out various construction tasks .
I would very much appreciate your support next week. Each child will be asked to give 3 euro to take part and al proceeds go directly to the project.I decided to base this charity fundraiser at the running track as I am a keen athlete myself , having been a member of Greystones AC for over ten years and am now continuing my athletics with UCD. However, next friday the emphasis will be COMPLETELY ON FUN! Activities will be fun , team based games with nothing to difficult ! Everyone and anyone can join in . We will have obstacles, BACKWARDS TSHIRT RACE, scooters, well toss , tug of war , bean bag war and plenty more.
Attached is a simple information leaflet which explains everything .Arrive at 5.30pm to give names, be put into group etc.!! Feel free to circulate this leaflet and this email to anyone you think be be interested in taking part .
The more the merrier.
Kind Regards,

Forest Feast Launch with GAC 2015



Sunday Run


Selection of Relay Teams


Round 4  of the Wicklow Juvenile League Fri 7th Feb. in Arklow


Leinster Schools XC Wed 12th Feb


National Senior Indoors Feb 22nd & 23rd.


Leinster Ind U20/Sen/Mast Day 1 Mar 1st


Leinster U20/S/M CE Day 2  March 2nd +

Juvenile  Relays


All Ireland Schools XC Sat 8th March


Leinster Indoor Juvenile Championships

15th and 16th March




Closing dates for entries.