Club Newsletter

Well done to all the club athletes who competed at both of the Leinster XC events recently and congratulations to those who qualified for the All Ireland’s on this Sun. 26th and Sun.11th Dec. Qualifiers are teams: Girls U13/14/17/18, boys U17/18 and individual qualifiers Eoin Taggart, Jamie Cullen, Steven Diggin & Amy Howard. Huge congratulations also to Ellie Hartnett, who won the Leinster Novice event, with a powerful performance right from the gun to the line! A report, which was sent to the paper, but never published is being forwarded to everyone, as well as this newsletter! Results from day 2 of the Leinsters XC have been added!  Best of Luck to everyone on Sunday in Sligo!

 National even ages and Inter - Counties XC in Sligo, on Sun 27th Nov. Juveniles must qualify for this.
 National uneven ages and Novice XC on Sun 11th Dec.  The Curragh, Co. Kildare. Juveniles must qualify for this.
 First round of the Wicklow XC League is expected to be held in Bray under lights. on Friday evening 16th Nov. with races for U 8/10/12/14. Race distances will be much shorter than the Championship races. This is a league with token prizes for each race and medals for all athletes who take part in all four races and an overall trophy for the best club. Confirmation and details should be available next week!
 Sportshall competition will take place in early January. Younger athletes will have plenty opportunity to practise for this over the coming weeks at training…… make sure you are there!

Club shop will be open on Tues 6th Dec. from 7pm to 8pm. Singlets should be back in stock by then and Hoodies, T-shirts, shorts, rainjackets etc. are available also. Due to several requests for spikes and runners, Bill Porter will also attend on this date from 7.45pm with a selection of styles and sizes to try.
We have a large amount of  clothing, water bottles etc. which have been left behind at training. These will be on display at the club shop on Dec 6th. Anything not claimed will be donated to charity after this date.

Roisín McGettigan, our Wicklow Olympian, has joined forces with Lauren Fleshman, a top american athlete, to produce a range of clothing and a training diary called “Believe I Am”. All athletes should keep a diary to record all  their training and racing, help with goal setting and use as a reference throughout their athletic career. This diary has lots of useful advice and motivational quotes from many of the top female runners in the world and is aimed at encouraging all female runners, young and old alike, to believe in themselves. We have some of theses diaries available and if more are required, we can order them. The diary costs €14.60. You can check out  “Believe I Am” on

Even though some of our athletes are competing this Sunday, we will still hold our Sunday morning run in Kindlestown Wood at 10am. This is a very important part of our training and we would ask athletes to make an effort to attend, if at all possible. Please try to make it! Lifts can be arranged, if needed.

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Forest Feast Launch with GAC 2015


Sunday Run


Selection of Relay Teams


Round 4  of the Wicklow Juvenile League Fri 7th Feb. in Arklow


Leinster Schools XC Wed 12th Feb


National Senior Indoors Feb 22nd & 23rd.


Leinster Ind U20/Sen/Mast Day 1 Mar 1st


Leinster U20/S/M CE Day 2  March 2nd +

Juvenile  Relays


All Ireland Schools XC Sat 8th March


Leinster Indoor Juvenile Championships

15th and 16th March




Closing dates for entries.