Club Newsletter

Well done to all the club athletes who competed at the 1st XC in Rathdrum. It was great to see 69 athletes taking part, but as this is less that one third of our registered athletes, we hope to see many more in Roundwood next Sunday 16th. Results from Rathdrum were excellent with many individual medals and certs being won and our 5 teams picking up 4 sets of gold and 1 set of silver medals. Full results can be found on
Anyone who intends to take part in next Sunday’s event needs to give in their name at training or text Theresa on 0868635797 by Fri latest. Please turn out and run for your club and help make up teams!
As there is an U7’s race at this event, our Little Athletics (5-6) group have an opportunity to take part if they wish.  All U7’s & U9’s will receive certs. Athletes should be there for 10.15am, for warm-up and check-in.
Directions: Approaching Roundwood from Newtown, take the left turn for Wicklow before the resevoir. Approaching Roundwood from Bray/Enniskerry road, take a left as you enter the village, cross the resevoir and take a right for Wicklow. Venue is about a mile up on the right.  Will be signposted!

On this Wed. Slí Cualann AC  will be holding a series of 1 mile track races for all ages and catagories. There will be a race run roughly every 15 mins at a different pace eg 5min mile, 10+ min mile, 8 min mile etc. with a separate race for children up to U12. 1st race is at 7pm. All are welcome to take part. Check-in open from 6.30pm.

Athletes intending to take part in the Leinster even ages, U12 up (U11’s can compete) XC in Mullingar on Sun 30th Oct, need to give their names to Theresa by Friday of this week. Leinster will not take late entries under any circumstances, so there is no point in contacting us after this date. We need to get as many teams as possible out there, so please try to attend. Let us know if you are stuck for transport and we will try to arrange a lift. Mullingar are hosting non- championship races for U10’s on the day if anyone is interested in taking part. Great idea if you have older brother or sister going anyway!

Wicklow County Council intend to withdraw funding for the Local Sports Partnership from next week. The LSP supports all the sports club in the county as well as schools programmes, disability programmes and many more. They also facilitate Coaching , Code of Ethics, First Aid and Child Welfare courses and many other services. This will be a huge loss to our club and to sport in the county in general.                                                                                              In an effort to change this decision we have written a letter of appeal and are asking parents and older athletes to sign a petition against it, at training this week!

A small  number of our new athletes haven’t returned their registration forms, birth certs or fees yet. This needs to be sorted immediately, as we will not be able to allow unregistered athletes on to the track. We only have a short period of cover for new athletes before they have to get their reg/ins in. We are also waiting for copies of birth certs from a numbr of recently registered athletes. Please send in asap. Fee for the remainder of the year is €20 for 1 family member and €15 for additional members.

The club shop will next open on Tues.25th Oct. from 7-8 PM. We have club singlets, shorts, T-shirts, rain-jackets, tracksuit bottoms and jackets and hoodies in stock. Athletes competing at Leinster and National level must have club singlets, otherwise club gear is optional. All club gear is sold at cost price and we have reasonably priced club t-shirts, which are very suitable for competition within the county.

 Fit$Life floodlit mile challenge at Shoreline track on Wed. 12th Oct at 7pm. Check-in from 6.30pm.
 Co. uneven ages and Inter XC in Roundwood on Sun 16th Oct. for all athletes. Be there for 10.15am. Younger athletes will be in and gone by 12 o’clock. We need everybody out for this, please!
 Gerry Farnan XC in Phoenix Park on Sun. 23rd Oct. for Junior/Senior athletes (Jun. 1992-1995)
 Leinster even ages and Novice XC in Belvedere House, Mullingar on Sun. 30th Oct. for athletes born 2000 upwards.
 Leinster uneven ages and Inter XC in Adamstown, Co Wexford on Sun. 13th Nov. for athletes born 2001 upwards.
 National even ages and Inter - Counties XC in Sligo, on Sun 27th Nov. Juveniles must qualify for this.
 National uneven ages and Novice XC on Sun 11th Dec.  The Curragh, Co. Kildare. Juveniles must qualify for this.
 We will be holding the Wicklow XC League again this year, but dates have not been set, as yet.

Sunday morning run at 10am on any Sun. that we are not competing. Athletes will be informed at training each week and venues will be posted on web-site and Facebook page. Please check these or ask at training. These runs are for all athletes from U11 to adult. Venue will vary from week to week. Do try to come along if you can, it’s a great way to build your stamina.  The turnout in Avondale last Sunday was very poor indeed.  Please make a big effort to attend future sessions!

Once again this note is being issued on paper as many of you are still not signed up to the web-site. Please add yourself to the club site to receive future notes by e-mail, as we will not be doing paper copies from now on unless specifically asked for them!

Forest Feast Launch with GAC 2015


Sunday Run


Selection of Relay Teams


Round 4  of the Wicklow Juvenile League Fri 7th Feb. in Arklow


Leinster Schools XC Wed 12th Feb


National Senior Indoors Feb 22nd & 23rd.


Leinster Ind U20/Sen/Mast Day 1 Mar 1st


Leinster U20/S/M CE Day 2  March 2nd +

Juvenile  Relays


All Ireland Schools XC Sat 8th March


Leinster Indoor Juvenile Championships

15th and 16th March




Closing dates for entries.