Greystones AC News

Greystones Athletic Club


Congratulations to Niamh Kearney who represented Ireland in Wales last Sunday. Niamh had yet another fantastic race, finishing 2nd in a new PB of 4mins 40.

Meanwhile we had a small number of athletes running XC up in Lough Key, Co Roscommon. In the boys U11, Cian Baldwin had a great run to finish 12th, while Sinead O’Neill was 27th and Richael Browne was 65th in the girls U11. In the boys U13, Cillian Browne had a strong race to finish in 21st and in the girls U15 Amy Howard was 15th. Well done to all.

Congratulations also to Ryan Montgomery who won the Fit4Life race on Thurs. last.

This coming weekend will see a big contingent heading to Nenagh for the Leinster Indoor championships. Athletes making their own transport arrangements  should note the following start times and events. On both days, events start at 10.30am. You need to check-in an hour before your race. On Saturday, the track starts with 1500m, followed by 300/400 and then the U12/13 600m and then hurdles. Field events on Sat are boys & girls U12/14/16/18 LJ, U13/15/17/19 HJ and U19/17/15/13 SP, most probably in that order, but can be changed.

On Sunday, track starts with walks, followed by 200m,  800m and 60m. Field events are U13/15/17/19 LJ, U12/14/16/18 HJ and U18/16/14/12 SP again probably in that order. All finals will be at the end of each day.

Hurdles/ Sprints will probably not start before lunchtime but I cannot guarantee this, so don't leave it too late to arrive, or you may miss your event.

If you are not going to attend, please let Theresa know in good time.

If you are not absolutely sure of your events, contact Theresa on 0868635797. I do not want people missing events or turning up for the wrong events.


There is a separate note detailing arrangements for athletes travelling with the club group and staying over.


Athletes going on the warm weather training trip at Easter need to let me know if you want to take part in the surfing trip, as we need to book this. Can you also check if you already have travel insurance (let me know immediately) and make sure your passport and health card are up to date. I will need a photocopy of these, for each person travelling, unless you travelled last year and nothing has changed. A small number are behind in your payments. Please get them up to date asap.


A number of coaches and athletes will be travelling to Nenagh next Friday evening for the Indoor Championships. All athletes from groups 1&2 ( Theresa's & Aidan's groups), who are not travelling, should go to the track at the normal time for training. Athletes from groups 3,4 & 5 should go to the hall. 


Most of our athletes are now re-registered. We would appreciate it, if our new recruits could collect a form at training and get it back to us asap, with fee and birth cert. Many thanks to those who have already sent them in. As a result I have re-arranged some of the groups and athletes will have been informed tonight if they have been moved. We try to move athletes up the groups according to age and ability, but have to limit the numbers in each group, both for quality of training and health & safety reasons. Don’t be in a rush to move up,as the work gets harder the higher you go.

Forest Feast Launch with GAC 2015


Sunday Run


Selection of Relay Teams


Round 4  of the Wicklow Juvenile League Fri 7th Feb. in Arklow


Leinster Schools XC Wed 12th Feb


National Senior Indoors Feb 22nd & 23rd.


Leinster Ind U20/Sen/Mast Day 1 Mar 1st


Leinster U20/S/M CE Day 2  March 2nd +

Juvenile  Relays


All Ireland Schools XC Sat 8th March


Leinster Indoor Juvenile Championships

15th and 16th March




Closing dates for entries.